Moving the Great Plains Forward
Heartland Expressway Benefits

Economic Development
Completion of the Heartland Expressway would bring long-term economic development throughout the corridor as higher speed, multi-lane access makes development sites more attractive.

Efficiency in Trade
The completed 4-lane expressway in Nebraska would return benefits in reduced travel time, accident reduction, and economic inventory savings. A minimum $1.88 of return for every project dollar invested can be expected through 2054.

Increases Integration of the Nebraska Panhandle to to the Colorado Front Range, Rapid City (SD), and Markets in Mexico and Canada.
Heartland Expressway Association
The Heartland Expressway Association is a group of dedicated volunteers working to coordinate the activities within Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming transportation departments to assure that the 4-lane construction provides a seamless artery for routing people and goods through the western states from south to north and vice versa. This corridor improvement is vital to improving safe travel, economic development and energy development for the region and the United States.
Partner With Us
Become a Member
Private business, city and county governments, chambers of commerce, economic development corporations, non-profits, and individuals are all important to advocating for the Heartland Expressway’s completion. Join us in bringing the Heartland Expressway to the forefront of policy and economic development dialogue across Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and South Dakota.